Devotional Collections
What is the thing that not only disturbs you but makes you a disturbance? It is always something you cannot deal with yourself. The solution is to get into direct contact with …
Security from yesterday. “God requireth that which is past” (Ecclesiastes 3:15 kjv). At the end of the year, we turn with eagerness to all that God has planned for our future. And …
When God remakes us in spiritual rebirth, he doesn’t simply patch up our natural virtues. He remakes the whole person on the inside: “Put on the new self, created to be like …
When God gives you a vision of what he wants, speaking to you by his Spirit through his word, and your mind and soul thrill to that vision, you must walk in …
Our Lord is speaking here of the change that marks our initial conversion. But this isn’t a change we make just once at the start of our walk with him. We have …
Every spiritual battle is lost or won before God, in the secret places of the will, never first out in the world. Whenever I am faced with a moral dilemma, God’s Spirit …
To mistake conscious freedom from sin for deliverance from sin by the atonement is a great error. Sin is what Jesus Christ faced on the cross; it is only through his sacrifice …
His birth in history. “The holy one to be born will be called the Son of God” (Luke 1:35). Jesus Christ was born into this world, not from it. He didn’t evolve …
The Spirit of God witnesses to the simple, almighty security of the life that is hidden with Christ in God. This is continually brought out in the Epistles. We talk as if …
The gospel of Jesus Christ always forces an issue of will. Will I accept the verdict God passed on sin in the cross of Christ? Do I want to be identified with …
When God draws me, the issue of my will comes in at once. Will I react to the revelation he has given me? Will I come to him? It’s a question of …
Reality is redemption, not my personal experience of redemption. But redemption has no meaning for me personally until it begins to speak the language of my conscious life. When I am born …
Very few of us have any understanding of why Jesus Christ died. It wasn’t out of sympathy. If sympathy is all that human beings require, then Christ’s cross was a farce; there …
Never be sympathetic with the soul whose situation makes you conclude that God is hard. God is more tender than we can imagine. Occasionally, he asks us to be the hard ones …
Only the loyal soul believes that God engineers circumstances. We take enormous liberties with our circumstances, treating the things that happen as if they’d been engineered by human beings. We say we …
The gospel of God creates a sense of needing the gospel. Paul says, “If our gospel is veiled, it is veiled”—to whom? To those who behave immorally? No—“to those who are perishing. …
You have to wrestle against the things that prevent you from getting to God, and you have to wrestle in prayer for other souls. But never say that you wrestle with God …
What we need today isn’t a new gospel; it’s men and women who can restate the gospel of the Son of God in terms that will reach the very heart of people’s …
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