For some time after we are born again, we aren’t as quick in our thinking and reasoning as we were before. We have to learn how to express our new life by forming the mind of Christ, and this takes time, effort, and patience.

“In your patience possess ye your souls” (Luke 21:19 KJV). Many of us prefer to stay at the threshold of the Christian life. We refuse to move on to the arduous work of constructing a soul—a soul that reflects the new life God has put inside us. We fail at this because we are ignorant of the way we are made. We blame our shortcomings on the devil, instead of on our own undisciplined natures.

We try to pray our weaknesses away, not understanding that there are certain things we must not pray about—moods, for example. Moods go by kicking, not by praying. When we are tired or hungry or in pain, it is a tremendous effort not to listen to our mood. But we must not listen, not even for a second. We have to pick ourselves up and shake off our mood. Once we do, we realize that we can do the things we’d thought impossible. The trouble with most of us is that we won’t. We refuse to stand up to our moods, and they end up sapping our energy and motivation.

Think what we can be when we are motivated! If we will stand firm in obedience to the Lord, if we will obey him instead of our own natures, he will guide us in building a soul that harmonizes perfectly with the Spirit inside. The Christian life is a life of incarnate spiritual pluck: “Stand firm, and you will win life.”

Wisdom from Oswald

Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One Who is leading.  My Utmost for His Highest, March 19, 761 L