To “walk and not be faint” is the greatest test of our ability to endure, requiring us to remain steadfast in the face of difficulty. In the Bible, the word walk is used to reveal character. John the Baptist, “looking upon Jesus as he walked,” said, “Behold the Lamb of God!” (John 1:36 kjv). The Bible is never abstract. It is always vivid and real. God doesn’t give us vague instructions like “Be spiritual.” He says, “Walk before me faithfully” (Genesis 17:1).

There is no thrill in walking. When we are in an unhealthy state, either physically or emotionally, we always want thrills. In our emotional lives, thrill-seeking leads to inordinate affection and the destruction of morality. In our spiritual lives, if we insist on seeking out mountaintop experiences, it leads to the destruction of spirituality inside us.

When we walk faithfully before God, we walk secure in the knowledge that he is with us. We know that the reality of his presence doesn’t depend on place or time or how we’re feeling; no matter what, he is here. It’s when we refuse to believe this that our problems begin; we stop walking and go rushing about, trying to find him. Once we are founded on the reality of his presence, we will know the experience the psalmist describes: “Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way” (Psalm 46:2).

At critical moments in our lives, we find it necessary to ask the Lord for guidance, but it should be unnecessary to always be saying, “Oh, Lord, tell me what to do.” Of course he will tell you! That is what the reality of his presence means: God is always there, guiding. If you are walking faithfully before him, he will alert you whenever your common-sense decisions are not in accordance with his will. Whenever this happens, simply be quiet and continue your walk, trusting in his presence.

Wisdom from Oswald

A fanatic is one who entrenches himself in invincible ignorance. Baffled to Fight Better, 59 R